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Every four years, a United States president takes the oath of office and creates a professional history that takes many forms – from politics to policy to paperwork.

Millions of documents and artifacts – including official reports, schedules, personal notes, journal entries, letters, phone calls, photographs, films and videos, news stories, gifts and souvenirs – accumulated during a president’s time in office will be collected, recorded, preserved, and shared with the public through the creation of a presidential library and archives once a commander in chief leaves office.

As an official digital services partner for the LBJ Presidential Library, the DiscoverLBJ digital archives, and the William J. Clinton Digital Library, we appreciate the extraordinary work performed by the dedicated archivists for these organizations and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). These library and data professionals catalog and – when possible digitize – important pieces of presidential history, making them widely available for anyone to access and experience.

While not every U.S. president has an online library or searchable digital archive, every individual to hold the office – from the first to the present – does have a legacy-focused website, often affiliated with a physical library, museum, official birthplace, residence, or heritage site.

What follows is a comprehensive list of websites celebrating U.S. presidents and American history you can access online. If you’d like to learn more about the origins of presidential libraries, museums, and official records maintained by the National Archives, visit NARA’s FAQ page. And if you want to know more about our work with U.S. presidential libraries, complete the form that follows the listings so we can get back to you.

U.S. Presidents – Official Websites

For Libraries, Museums, Archives, and Official Birthplace, Residence, and Heritage Sites

Donald Trump
47th and 45th U.S. President
Terms: 2025-2029 and 2017-2021
Library Location: TBD
Donald J. Trump Presidential Library Website

Joe Biden
46th U.S. President
Term: 2021-2025
Library Location: TBD
Joseph R. Biden Presidential Library Website

Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Term: 2009-2017
Presidential Center Location: Chicago, Illinois
Barack Obama Presidential Library Website
Barack Obama Presidential Center Website

George W. Bush
43rd U.S. President
Term: 2001-2009
Library Location: Dallas, Texas
George W. Bush Presidential Library Website

Bill Clinton
42nd U.S. President
Term: 1993-2001
Library Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum Website

George H.W. Bush
41st U.S. President
Term: 1989-1993
Library Location: College Station, Texas
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum Website

Ronald Regan
40th U.S. President
Term: 1981-1989
Library Location: Simi Valley, California
Ronald Regan Presidential Library & Museum Website

Jimmy Carter
39th U.S. President
Term: 1977-1981
Library Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum Website

Gerald Ford
38th U.S. President
Term: 1974-1977
Library Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum Website

Richard Nixon
37th U.S. President
Term: 1969-1974
Library Location: Yorba Linda, California
Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library and Museum Website

Lyndon Johnson
36th U.S. President
Term: 1963-1969
Library Location: Austin, Texas
LBJ Presidential Library Website

John Kennedy
35th U.S. President
Term: 1961-1963
Library Location: Boston, Massachusetts
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Website

Dwight Eisenhower
34th U.S. President
Term: 1953-1961
Library Location: Abilene, Kansas
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum & Boyhood Home Website

Harry Truman
33rd U.S. President
Term: 1945-1953
Library Location: Independence, Missouri
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum Website

Franklin Roosevelt
32nd U.S. President
Term: 1933-1945
Library Location: Hyde Park, New York
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum Website

Herbert Hoover
31st U.S. President
Term: 1929-1933
Library Location: West Branch, Iowa
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum Website

Calvin Coolidge
30th U.S. President
Term: 1923-1929
Library Location: Northampton, Massachusetts
Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library & Museum Website

Warren Harding
29th U.S. President
Term: 1921-1923
Presidential Site Location: Marion, Ohio
Warren G. Harding Presidential Sites – Website
Harding Presidential Library Informational Webpage

Woodrow Wilson
28th U.S. President
Term: 1913-1921
Library Location: Staunton, Virginia
The Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum Website

Howard Taft
27th U.S. President
Term: 1909-1913
Historic Site Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
William Howard Taft National Historic Site – Website

Theodore Roosevelt
26th U.S. President
Term: 1901-1909
Planned Library Location: Medora, North Dakota (near Theodore Roosevelt National Park)
Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Website

William McKinley
25th U.S. President
Term: 1897-1901
Library Location: Canton, Ohio
McKinley Presidential Library & Museum Website

Grover Cleveland
24th and 22nd U.S. President
Terms: 1893-1897 and 1885-1889
Library Location: Caldwell, New Jersey
Grover Cleveland Presidential Library Website

Benjamin Harrison
23rd U.S. President
Term: 1889-1893
Presidential Site Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site – Website

Chester Arthur
21st U.S. President
Term: 1881-1885
Historic Site Location: Montpelier, Vermont
President Chester Arthur Historic Site – Website
Chester A. Arthur Presidential Library and Museum Blog

James Garfield
20th U.S. President
Term: 1881
Historic Site Location: Mentor, Ohio
James A. Garfield National Historic Site – Website

Rutherford Hayes
19th U.S. President
Term: 1877-1881
Library Location: Fremont, Ohio
Rutherford B. Hayes President Library & Museums Website

Ulysses Grant
18th U.S. President
Term: 1869-1877
Library Location: Mississippi State University, near Starkville, Mississippi
Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library Website

Andrew Johnson
17th U.S. President
Term: 1865-1869
Historic Site Location: Greeneville, Tennessee
Andrew Johnson National Historic Site – Website

Abraham Lincoln
16th U.S. President
Term: 1861-1865
Library Location: Springfield, Illinois
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Website

James Buchanan
15th U.S. President
Term: 1857-1861
Official Residence Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
The James Buchanan Online Presidential Library Website
President James Buchanan’s Wheatland (Official Residence) Webpage

Franklin Pierce
14th U.S. President
Term: 1853-1857
Homestead Historic Site Location: Hillsborough, New Hampshire
Franklin Pierce Homestead Historic Site – Website
Official Residence Location: Concord, New Hampshire
The Pierce Manse (Official Residence) Website

Millard Fillmore
13th U.S. President
Term: 1850-1853
Presidential Site Location: East Aurora, New York
Milliard Fillmore Presidential Site – Website

Zachary Taylor
12th U.S. President
Term: 1849-1950
Zachary Taylor National Cemetery Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Zachary Taylor National Cemetery Webpage
Zachary Taylor Birthplace Webpage

James Polk
11th U.S. President
Term: 1845-1849
Home & Museum Location: Columbia, Tennessee
The President James K. Polk Home & Museum Website

John Tyler
10th U.S. President
Term: 1841-1845
Historic Site Location: Charles City, Virginia
Sherwood Forrest – Home of President John Tyler – Website

William Harrison
9th U.S. President
Term: 1841
Official Residence and Museum Location: Vincennes, Indiana
William Henry Harrison’s Grouseland (Residence & Museum) Website

Martin Van Buren
8th U.S. President
Term: 1837-1841
Historic Site Location: Kinderhook, New York
Martin Van Buren National Historic Site – Website

Andrew Jackson
7th U.S. President
Term: 1829-1837
Official Residence Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage (Official Residence) Website
Andrew Jackson State Park and Museum Location: Lancaster, South Carolina
Andrew Jackson State Park Website

John Quincy Adams
6th U.S. President
Term: 1825-1829
Historic Site Location: Quincy, Massachusetts
John Quincy Adams Historic Site – Website

James Monroe
5th U.S. President
Term: 1817-1825
Museum Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia
The James Monroe Museum Website

James Madison
4th U.S. President
Term: 1809-1817
Museum Location: Orange, Virginia
The James Madison Museum Website
Official Residence Location: Montpelier Station, Virginia
James Madison’s Montpelier (Official Residence) Website

Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President
Term: 1801-1809
Library Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Jefferson Library (at Monticello) Website
Official Residence Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello (Official Residence) Website
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Location: Washington, D.C.
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Website

John Adams
2nd U.S. President
Term: 1797-1801
Library Location: Boston, Massachusetts
John Adams Library at the Boston Public Library Website
John Adams Library – Online Guide
Historic Site Location: Quincy, Massachusetts
John Adams National Historic Site – Website

George Washington
1st U.S. President
Term: 1789-1797
Library Location: Mount Vernon, Virginia
The George Washington Presidential Library (at Mount Vernon) Website
Official Residence Location: Mount Vernon, Virginia
George Washington’s Mount Vernon (Official Residence) Website

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