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Digital Agency Life

Lessons learned from the 2020 DPM Summit
December 2, 2020

The Digital PM Summit is a one-of-a-kind event for DPMs. Project Management is such a broad career that finding a community in which you can learn, empathize, vent and collaborate with people who fully understand your role is hard to…

Top Virtual Tools for Remote Work
May 11, 2020

Whether you’ve just started working from home or you’ve always embraced the remote lifestyle, it can still be daunting to find the right virtual tools for remote work. We’ve compiled a list of the most popular workplace tools sorted by…

Remote Project Managers: 5 Simple Tips for Effective Client Communication
March 20, 2020

George Bernard Shaw once said, “the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” The first time I heard this quote was at the Digital Project Management Summit put on by The Bureau of Digital.…

Working Remotely
March 17, 2020

COVID-19 is a challenge we’re all facing. To be clear, by “we”, I mean the world. In response to this global pandemic, many organizations are embracing remote work as a protective measure. It’s a mentality that we, at Culture Foundry,…

What our team is thankful for this year
November 27, 2019

We, at Culture Foundry, have a lot to be thankful for this year. We wanted to take a moment to share what we’re grateful for this Thanksgiving season. We’re a team of humor and humility, as you’ll find from our…

Why – and How – Developers Should Ask Questions in the Workplace
November 12, 2019

Asking questions is a virtue, or at least it should be. When I was a young preteen, I asked one of the smartest older boys that I knew what made him so intelligent. He answered that he always asked questions.…

Culture Foundry’s Haunted House of Digital Horrors
October 31, 2019

Halloween might be the scariest night of the year, but here at Culture Foundry we tackle spooky stuff year-round. Here are some of our most ghastly experiences and how we turned them into candy.  It’s a dark and stormy night,…

Wait, you’re trying to talk me out of this job?
July 5, 2019

One of the final steps of any job interview with Culture Foundry is "The Talk". (We don't call it "The Talk" internally, it's just how I think of it.) "The Talk" happens with the hiring manager and often the co-founders,…

How To Say Goodbye
June 11, 2019

It's never fun to say goodbye to a client, but any consulting company who has been around as long as Culture Foundry has experienced this. Now, just like "each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way", every departing client…

Putting it All Together at Gluecon 2019
June 6, 2019

I attended Gluecon a few weeks ago. I've been going to this conference every couple of years since the early 2010s. It's not cheap and it's not hyper focused, but I find it valuable. The main topics are enterprisey--microservices, APIs…


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