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Digital Strategy

If you’re going to reclaim the promise and power of tech for your organization, you’re going to need a plan

We put that plan in your hands.

Have you experienced these challenges with past digital projects?

If so, you’re far from alone. Consider that over 50% of digital projects fail outright.

  • You pursued an all-in launch that left no budget to react to user and market feedback. 
  • The project fell into an “activity without delivery” grind churning (and burning budget) on environments, regressions and plan-polishing, but with no tangible improvements coming out the other side. 
  • Whether due to architecture or merely age, your current website or web application is dealing with a crumbling technical foundation, which risks outright failure and makes even the simplest changes absurdly expensive and time-consuming.

A digital strategy plan is how you flip that script

We have a repeatable process for this. It’s called a Wayfinding Workshop. It ingests uncertainty and generates a documented, implementable plan for your website or web application that everyone can agree to and reference going forward.

This plan can be implemented by any team, but by the time we deliver it, we’ve usually earned the trust to have a significant delivery role as well.

How a Wayfinding Workshop solves these challenges

Wayfinding Workshops are marked by:

  • Agility: The more agile and evolutionary your approach, the greater your likelihood of long-term success. Your plan will look beyond a singular project to architect a cadence of continual improvement that builds over time. 
  • Listening: A facilitative approach ensures all stakeholders are heard and their requirements and concerns reflected in your plan.
  • Expertise: We’ll draw on our experience to see around corners, anticipate challenges and opportunities, and capture those in your plan.
  • Openness: Your plan will detail the pros and cons of all options considered, to ensure that future “why didn’t you think of ____?” questions have an answer at the ready.
  • A Working Hypothesis: We don’t arrive with pre-established conclusions, but will start with a well-researched working hypothesis so we can get out of the gate quickly.

Here’s what that process looks like concretely:

  • A facilitated listening / data collection session (between 2 and 4 hours)
  • A planning session centered on presenting, testing and evolving the working hypotheses for the solution (between 2 and 4 hours)
  • A draft planning document (between 10 and 40 pages) and review session (typically 1 hour)
  • Finalization of the plan and start of implementation

Why Culture Foundry is qualified to put this plan in your hands

We’ve navigated the road to success many times for many clients just like you. Check out some of them (and related resources) below.

Our Digital Strategy Clients

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Let's get the plan in motion.

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