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Shopify Versus WordPress for E-commerce Businesses: Which Solution Is Better in 2024?

Choosing the right e-commerce platform is crucial for website managers looking to establish or optimize online stores.In recent Cultivate post on e-commerce technologies, we provided a high-level look at the most popular open- and closed-source e-commerce options available today, and…

The Future of Tech: National Center for Women & Information Technology 2024 Summit Recape


The Future of Tech: Report from the National Center for Women & Information Technology 2024 Summit

As members of the National Center for Women & Information Technology’s (NCWIT) Workforce Alliance, Culture Foundry gets the opportunity to attend NCWIT’s invaluable annual Summit. We’re also proud to call NCWIT a client (since 2019), and while Zoom meetings get…

Graphic image displaying the outline of a black magnifying glass with the initials "SEO" in the middle over a yellow background

Digital Agency Life

How to Navigate Recent SEO Changes that Could Be Affecting Your Website

I’ve spent the past eight months diving into the intricate ecosystem of search engine optimization (SEO), and while the entire process was a bit like drinking from a firehose, the past few months in particular have felt like a whirlwind.…

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Icon image of a computer screen with three differently sized column on the screen. The computer icon shape is solid black, and the columns on the black screen are outlined in teal. The icon image sits within a teal background.


5 Principles of Great Website Design

Fashions fade, style is eternal. Yves Saint Laurent I was researching the topic of “timeless style” as I was preparing to write this article and sought the thoughts of fashion icons like YSL (above), Coco Chanel, Giorgio Armani, and Lilly…

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A clipboard checklist icon situated in the middle of a laptop computer screen. The laptop is also an icon image with black outlines, situated within a medium orange-colored background


How to Plan for a Website Redesign

In our recent Cultivate blog post, “10 Reasons to Redesign Your Website,” we discussed the tell-tale signs that your website is due for a makeover and what actions to take once you have noticed them. If you have determined your website…

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